
Hi, I’m a creator

Create4today Time-Sensitve Newsletter

Published about 1 year ago • 1 min read

Tue 2/14/2023 11:12 AM

Just a quick, time-sensitive shout out to let you know that the annual event, Sketchbook Revival, starts tomorrow. It's totally free and features over twenty different artists offering a mini-lesson each day for using in your sketchbook practice. Register for this event at the following link:

From Karen's website:

The workshop runs from March 20th - April 1st

The workshop begins on March 20th. If you sign up after the start date, you will start receiving daily emails the next day. From then on you will receive a daily email with access to 2 workshop sessions a day. All sessions are pre-recorded, so once we get started you can watch them at your own pace and according to your own schedule. If you are unable to watch 2 sessions a day, do not worry! No need to feel pressured to follow along at that pace. All sessions will be available to watch until April 20th, so there is plenty of time to schedule in your creativity.

You can use anything you have on hand to use as a sketchbook. There's even a pre-workshop lesson on how to create a sketchbook from an old book. I had one on hand I've used to scrape unused paint from my palette onto a page to serve as a setting for future sketches. I used a decorative napkin and some washi tape to embellish the front and back cover.

For more information on how I use altered books in my creative practices, check out the my blog posts:

CREATIVE TIP OF THE WEEK This is the time of year in the Northern Hemispere to get outside. Plan to take a walk and really pay attention to what you see. I look for feathers on my walks and last time, I found three! Not only that, but I observed a Vermillon Flycatcher, maybe not entirely rare in Arizona, but I had never seen one before. It made my day.

Don't want these emails anymore? You can Unsubscribe or Manage Preferences.

10604 W. Goulding Drive
Marana, AZ 85653, United States

Hi, I’m a creator

I'm a blogger, creativity coach, and artist who loves to talk about art and the healing properties of creative practice. I believe everyone has an innate creative side. In many cases, that creativity has been squelched by society, expectaations, perfectionism, and our own inner critic. Creativity has healing properties that allow people to put into words, or song, or music, or pictures what perhaps they can't express otherwise. My desire is to be your biggest fan through this creative journey called life. Subscribe and join over + newsletter readers every week!

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